• Hello! I know there is a lot of information here, but this is to help make sure that I’ve covered everything, and make it easier for you!

    If you’re wondering what any of Serena Armstrong Esthetics LLC policies are, please scroll down to the bottom of the page, and you will ‘Terms & Conditions’ listed on the bottom right. It will go over the nitty gritty (i.e., cancellations, rescheduling, no shows, gift cards, etc., etc., etc.

    However, if you do have any other questions, please feel free to get in contact with me. The contact info is listed above and below.

    Thank you!

    -Serena Armstrong

  • Lip Blush/Netralization & Powder Brows

    Do I need a consultation before booking?

    Consultations are done during your first appointment. We will go over: shape/design, color(s), your expectations, after care & long term care. The information provided here should serve as a “pre-consultation” and will answer any questions/concerns you may have!

    Are there any contraindications with PMU?

    Cosmetic Tattooing/PMU is NOT for everyone. Meaning, it is your responsibility to read, understand, and contact Serena Armstrong Esthetics if you have any questions prior to your booking. If you have any of the following conditions you may not be able to get tattooed or may need to discuss with Serena Armstrong Esthetics and consult with your doctor to ensure that this service is right for you:

    1. Under the age of 18 years old

    2. Pregnant/Breastfeeding - Cannot do this procedure

    3. Cancer or Undergoing Chemotherapy-Doctors clearance is absolutely necessary.

    4. Heart Problems - Doctors clearance is absolutely necessary

    5. Blood Thinning Medications - Doctors clearance is absolutely necessary. This will cause more bleeding. If you have a prescription for blood thinners, please acquire a doctors note

    6. Diabetes - May have difficulty healing.

    7. Have an autoimmune disorder/difficulty healing

    8. Herpes Virus /Fever Blisters at time of procedure

    9. Hepatitis/HIV

    10. Allergies to Lidocaine/Benzocaine

    11. Keloid Scaring

    12. Accutane - You must be off Accutane for 1 year before getting any sort of PMU procedures

    13. If you have sensitive skin or any type of skin condition like rosacea, psoriasis, or eczema, it's best to check with your dermatologist before getting tattooed

    How long does it last?

    With Lip Blush/Neutralization & Powder Brows a natural fading will happen over time, and as strange as it sounds, this is what we want! Using a hybrid pigment blend, you will get the most natural results with the most natural fading. In order to maintain its color, shape and detail, touch up appointments are required 6-8 weeks after your first session.

    The condition and how the fading happens varies on each individual, depending on your lifestyle, skin health, skin care routine, age, and techniques/technology within the cosmetic tattoo industry. For most individuals, your tattoo will last between 1-3 years before needing a refresher appointment.

    Do I need a touch up?

    Touch ups are absolutely required. Permanent Makeup is TWO-STEP process. Touch ups help me see if there are any necessary adjustments needed, it provides an opportunity to see how your tattoo is healing, and helps to lengthening the longevity of your tattoo(s). These touch up sessions are not included in the initial price and need to be booked between 4-8 weeks from the time of your first session.

    Can men get PMU?

    Absolutely! PMU has become a genderless procedure. For those who want corrections, those with allergies to regular makeup, and those who play active sports.

    Is it painful?

    Each individuals pain tolerance is different, but generally no, it does not hurt. The application of a numbing cream will be applied to keep you comfortable. If you do not respond well to numbing agents, there can be mild discomfort.

    Can you tattoo over previous work?

    All coverups must be pre-approved before booking, so please send photos to samstrong.esthetics@gmail.com to see if this is something I can accomplish for you. Corrective/coverup work generally requires multiple sessions for the best results and additional touch ups will be charged accordingly. If the previous tattoo is too dark, large, discolored, tattoo removal is recommended before booking an appointment for new cosmetic tattoos.

    Are the end results immediately visible?

    They are not. The first week, the pigment is significantly more vibrant than the final result. Within the first week of healing the intensity of the color will become about 40% softer. Due to your skins natural cell renewal, the end result of pigments will be visible after a period of approximately 3 to 5 weeks, revealing a softer, more natural color.

    Please contact Serena Armstrong Esthetics LLC if you have any questions/concerns prior to your booking.


  • What is a chemical peel?

    A chemical peel involves applying a chemical solution to the skin, which causes the outermost layers to peel off. This helps to improve the appearance and texture of the skin by reducing wrinkles, pigmentation, and acne scars.

    What skin concerns can chemical peels address?

    Chemical peels can help with a range of skin concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, acne/acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin texture.

    Are chemical peels painful?

    The sensation experienced during a chemical peel can vary depending on the depth and type of peel being performed. It is very common to feel a mild tingling or a stinging sensation. Most peels are well-tolerated and any discomfort can be easily managed with a peel neutralizer and handheld electric fan that will be provided at your appointment.

    How many sessions are required to see results?

    The number of sessions required to see desired results can vary depending on the individual's skin concerns and the type of peel being performed.

    What is the recovery process like?

    The recovery process after a chemical peel can vary depending on the depth of the peel. Superficial peels typically result in no downtime or little to no downtime. Deeper peels may result in more significant peeling that can last up to a week. It is important to follow post-treatment instructions provided to you by your esthetician, avoid sun exposure and wear SPF during the healing process.

    Are there any risks or side effects associated with chemical peels?

    While chemical peels are generally safe when performed by a trained professional, there are few potential risks and side effects. Some of the side effects include mild redness, swelling and itching. It is important to discuss any concerns or pre-existing skin conditions before having a chemical peel, and to follow post-treatment instructions provided by your esthetician.

    Can chemical peels be performed on all skin types?

    Chemical peels can generally be performed on all skin types, but the type and depth of peel may vary depending on the individual's skin tone and sensitivity. It is important to have a consultation with your esthetician to determine the most suitable peel for your specific skin type and concerns.

    How long do the results of a chemical peel last?

    The duration of results from a chemical peel can vary depending on factors such as the individual's skin type, lifestyle, and skincare routine. Superficial peels may require more frequent maintenance treatments, while deeper peels can provide longer-lasting results. Regular skincare and sun protection are essential to maintain and enhance the benefits of any chemical peel.

    How long should I wait in-between injectables (e.g., Botox ® filler) to get a chemical peel or other treatments?

    If you are getting a chemical peel BEFORE your injections, you are perfectly fine to do everything in the same day. If you are AFTER injections, it is recommended to wait 2 weeks until your next treatment.

    If you have other questions/concerns, please contact sarmstrong.esthetics@gmail.com

Pre/Post-Care PMU

  • Here is what you need to do to prep for both your Lip Blush/Netralization.

    PRE-CARE For Lips:

    1. 3-4 days prior to your appointment, gently exfoliate your lips before scrub for 1-2 minutes and immediately hydrate with a lip mask. Wear a lip balm/lip balm with SPF daily. Please hydrate! If you come to your appointment with dehydrated, flaking, chapped, OR unhealthy lips, Serena Armstrong Estheics LLC will make the decision not to work on you, and you will forfeit your deposit.

    2. No Alcohol or Caffeine 24-48 hours before/morning of appointment (coffees, teas, etc).

    3. No blood thinners(aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oil, turmeric, etc)one (1) day prior, this may cause excessive bleeding If you are prescribed a blood thinner, please arrive with a doctors note stating you are cleared for this procedure.

    4. No exercise the morning of your procedure.

    5. If you suffer from cold sores or have ever had one sore, It is advised to be taking a cold sore medication such as Acyclovir, 3 days prior to your appointment, day of appointment, and continue to take it 3 days after your procedure for a full 7 day cycle.

    6. No botox in the lip area or lip filler/injections 4 weeks prior to procedure. Give yourself 4 weeks to allow them to settle.

    7. No DEEP exfoliation like chemical peels, microdermabrasion, lasers, etc., 2 weeks prior to procedure.

    8. No flakey, chapped, dry, open cuts/sores on or around lips prior to treatment. This may result in trauma/bleeding/bruising, having the healed results be patchy, leading to additional sessions and cost.

    9. No Antibiotics 2 months prior to the procedure. Your body may reject the pigment if antibiotics are in your system.

    10. No lip tint, lipstick, or any products on lips day of procedure. A clear moisturizing lip balm/mask may be worn to your appointment. I need to see your natural lip color(s), that way we can get the end result as close as possible to your natural hue.

    *For Lip Netralization Clients*

    Cool, dark, hyperpigmented lips need be pre-approved for lip tint. Please email sarmstrong.esthetics@gmail.com clear, well lit photos of your natural lips before you book. Sometimes darker lip tones are not suitable for this procedure & may require additional sessions to achieve natural vibrant color. The initial session is used as color correction, touch up sessions are used to layer the desired lip tint colors.

    POST-CARE for Lips:

    1. Avoid getting your lips wet for long periods of time (e.g., getting them wet while showering, washing face), avoid applying any makeup to the lip area (e.g., lipstick, balm, gloss) for one (1) week.

    2. Do not pick/peel at any dry skin/scabbing. Keep the lips hydrated with the A&D ointment provided. NO Vaseline, Aquaphor, antibiotic creams, Neosporene, etc.

    3. No super spicy foods during the first 24 hours, and only consume drinks through a straw, so not to touch/smudge your lips, as it may affect the healing results.

    4. No foreign body fluids in or around the lips for 5 days.

    5. No saunas, swimming pools, excessive sweating or sunbathing/tanning beds, or light therapy, as your lips may loose the color or get hyperpigmented from sun exposure, especially if you naturally have a darker skin tone.

    What To Expect After Your Appointment:

    Day 1: The color of your lips will look the most vibrant on the first day, and your skin will start to slowly release fluid called lymph right after your procedure, a standard healing process for our bodies. 30 minutes after your appointment and throughout the first day, keep wiping your lips with the antiseptic wipes provided or cotton rounds with lukewarm water to minimize scabbing. Continue to apply the A&D ointment provided.

    Day 2: Your lips may still be a bit swollen today, which is perfectly normal! You did just get a tattoo, after all. Make sure to keep them hydrated with the A&D ointment provided to you.

    Day 3-7: Keep the lips hydrated with the A&D ointment, applying as needed. Some light flaking/peeling may occur-this is absolutely normal. Do not pick/peel at any dry skin. After a few weeks: you will start notice that the pigment is fading to a more natural tone, revealing the actual healed results from your first session.

    *The results and longevity of your tattoo will depend greatly on how you take care of it during the healing process. Each clients skin will respond differently, both in the length of time it takes to heal, and the number of sessions needed for your desired results.

    If you have other questions/concerns, please contact sarmstrong.esthetics@gmail.com

  • Powder Brows

    1. Please avoid any exfoliating/acne products like retinoids, AHAs/BHAs, enzyme cleansers AROUND THE BROW AREA 2 weeks prior/after to your appointment. You are still able to do your skin care routines, just be aware of the these ingredients in and around the Brow Area for the best results.

    2. Lasers, chemical peels, waxing or tinting, brow lamination should be done 2 weeks prior/after your appointment. Botox/fillers may effect muscle movement in the area & should be done after your procedure.

    3. No Alcohol or Caffeine 24-48 hours before/morning of appointment — (coffees, teas, etc)

    4. No blood thinners (aspirin, ibuprofen , fish oil, turmeric, etc) one (1) day prior, this may cause excessive bleeding. If you are prescribed a blood thinner, please arrive with a doctors note stating you are cleared for this procedure.

    5. No exercise the morning of your procedure.

    6. No botox in the brow area or filler/injections 4 weeks prior to procedure. Give yourself 4 weeks to allow them to settle.

    7. No deep exfoliation like chemical peels, microdermabrasion, lasers, etc. 2 weeks prior to procedure.

    8. No flakey, chapped, dry, open cuts/sores on or around brow area prior to treatment. This may result in trauma/bleeding/bruising, having the healed results be patchy, leading to additional sessions and cost.

    9. No Antibiotics 2 months prior to the procedure. Your body may reject the pigment if antibiotics are in your system.

    10. No brow tint, pomade, or any products on brows day of procedure. I need to be able see your natural brow color/shape, that way we can get the end result as natural as possible.

    Post-Care Instructions:

    1. Brows need to be DRY HEALED for the next 10-12 days.

    2. Do not use cleansers, soaps or any other creams on your brows for the first 10-12 days.

    3. No saunas, swimming pools, excessive sweating, sunbathing, picking/pulling at brow areas. BLOT with tissues daily to keep brows free from any natural oils.

    4. No massages, facials, or skin treatments for 10-12 days.

    5. No threading, waxing, or use hair removal creams for 2 weeks.

    6. No use of any makeup, creams, exfoliates on the brows until all flaking is gone.

    7. Day 10: Wash brows with gentle cleanser.

    What To Except After Your Appointment:

    1. Brows may appear reddish/darker in color for the first week, this is a perfectly normal reaction and is part of the healing process.

    2. The tattoo will appear lighter after the dead skin starts to sheds, the color will come back to the surface as the tattoo heals.

    3. Your final results from each session will start to appear clearly after the 4 week mark. After that time it will then be time for your touch up appointment!

    4. With your second appointment we will assess your results and your skin's reaction to the process. Together we can adjust anything that's needed and make sure the color, texture and shape are absolutely perfect for you.

    If you have any other questions/concerns please contact sarmstrong.esthetics@gmail.com

  • Once Healed/Long-Term Care

    1. There is NO guarantee of results as everyone’s result will vary due to skin type, lifestyle and your initial after care/long-term care of your Lip Blush/Neutralization & Powder brow tattoo.

    2. Exposure to the sun over time will cause fading/discoloration of the hybrid pigment. Once your tattoo is completely healed, you may apply sunscreen on the treated area(s). Wear large sunglasses and a hat for further protection.

    3. Do not use any chemical exfoliates solely on the lips/brows; this may case the brows to fade faster and have the possibility of changing color(s).

    4. Do not laser your lip/brow area (IPL , etc.); some lasers have the ability to change the color of the ink.

    5. Refreshers are recommended every 1-3 years(depending on the individual) to maintain you lip/brow tattoo. 

    If you have other questions/concerns, please contact sarmstrong.esthetics@gmail.com


  • This is how you are going to take care of your chemical peel:

    Avoid makeup and exercise for the remainder of the day.  Do not wash your face for at least 6 hours post-procedure.


    1. Night 1: Wash your face with a gentle, non-irritating cleanser before bed (skip if the peel has not been on your skin for at least 6 hours). DO NOT MOISTURIZE.

    2. Day 2: Wash your face with a gentle cleanser, apply SPF, makeup may be applied if desired. DO NOT MOISTURIZE.

    3. Night 2: Wash your face with a gentle cleanser. DO NOT MOISTURIZE.

    4. Day 3-7: Wash your face with a gentle cleanser, apply repairing moisturizer such as PCA Skin ReBalance Daily Moisturizer or Vaseline/Aquaphor to "peeling" areas only - may apply as often as desired. Apply SPF, and makeup if desired.

    5. Night 3-7: Wash your face with a gentle cleanser, apply repairing moisturizer such as PCA Skin ReBalance or Vaseline/Aquaphor to "peeling" areas only.

    6. Avoid unnecessary or excessive sun exposure for 10-14 days post chemical peel application.  Your skin will be sun-sensitive during this time, and it is crucial that you apply an SPF 30 or higher frequently throughout the day if you are planning to be in the sun (e.g., driving, running errands, etc).

    •1% hydrocortisone such as Cortizone 10 may be applied 2-3 times daily or as needed for darkening, itching or irritation at any time regardless of peeling.

    •If swelling occurs, you may take an anti-histamine such as Benadryl to help calm swelling.

    Avoid all retinoid based products such as Retin-A, Tretinoin, Adapalene, Tazorac, etc., products containing AHA/BHAs such as salicylic, lactic or glycolic acids and products with benzoyl peroxide or physical exfoliating beads for 7-14 days post-peel.

    Body Peel Post-Care:

    For body peels, you will notice that it takes a little bit longer to start the peeling process, this is absolutely normal. The skin on the body is thicker than the skin on your face, therefore, taking longer for the exfoliation process to begin.

    Avoid body makeup and exercise for the remainder of the day.  Do not wash the area treated 1.5-2 hours after you leave from your appointment.


    1. Shower with warm to lukewarm water, do not use any washcloths, loofas, sponges, scrubs or body-wash.

    2. Do not use any scented body-washes or scented lotions until 3 days after your treatment.

    3. Avoid unnecessary or excessive sun exposure for 10-14 days post chemical peel application.  Your skin will be sun-sensitive during this time, and it is crucial that you apply an SPF 30 or higher to the body frequently throughout the day if you are planning to be in the sun (e.g., driving, running errands, etc).

  • Do not rub or pick at brows.

    1. For the first 24-48 hours please avoid: excessive water on the brows, swimming pools, saunas, steam rooms, exercise, hot yoga, or prolonged hot showers.

    2. Do not apply any make-up, makeup remover, lotion, oils, moisturizers or cleansers on brow area, or receive any other eye treatments for least 24-48 hours after your treatment.

    3. Brush brows in the morning in an upward direction, and style as preferred.

    Brow Lamination results can last 4-6 weeks.

Personal skin care, personal results